NFC Senior BR uses Babe Ruth rules.
Local NFC game rules that are in addition to the Babe Ruth Rule Book:
Other Guidelines:
No official won-lost records, standings, or trophies.
Field maintenance: (for NFC games) Both teams should prepare and clean up the field. All teams clean up the dugout they used.
Specific instructions for field maintenance at Chantilly HS include:
- First game of the day: teams are to remove the tarps at home and pitchers mound by rolling them up on the poles and placing them along the fence down the 3rd base line past the gates. DO NOT ALLOW PLAYERS TO WALK ON THE TARPS WITH THEIR CLEATS ON.
- Pitchers Mound: rake and tamp all holes, restore the slope, water if possible, post game - replace the tarp if you have the last game.
- Home Plate: rake and tamp all holes, drag, water if possible, post game - replace the tarp if you have the last game
- Base Paths: drag with hand drag or rake (away from grass), use broom to brush dirt from grass back into the base path.
- Infield: rake and fill holes, drag with peraonal and/or large drags, pull dirt back toward the bags to fill in low spots created by sliding, use broom to brush loose dirt out of the edges of the grass, water if possible
- In the fall when field hockey equipment is present: the bleachers, chairs, goals, tables, and trash cans must be moved and repositioned. If multiple games are scheduled in a day, the first game removes the equipment and the last game of the day must restore the equipment to the field hockey configuration. Both teams should participate in moving the feild hockey equipment before and after the game.
Game balls: Three or more new balls are provided by the home team. Good used balls may be used to supplement three new balls.
Home team: Uses the third base dugout.
Ejection by umpire: Ejected player/coach/fan must leave the field area. Ejected player/coach cannot participate in next game. Report any ejections to League President. Appeals about an ejection must be provided to the League President.
Sportsmanship: This is a must! Players, coaches, and fans must conduct themselves with sportamanship in mind at all times! Foul language is not tolerated. Players are not to talk to the opponents, spectators, or the umpires in a disrespectful manner.
REMEMBER - Not only do you represent yourself, you also represent your parents, your team, NFC Babe Ruth, our community, and Babe Ruth International. Many people will likely not remember a good play you made, a big hit, or who won a game, BUT they will remember how you conducted yourself as a person.